Sunday, March 20, 2016

Reviewed Plan

After reviewing the first two schemes with my professor, I have come up with a revised plan for the building. Looking back at the drawdle, we realized it has a section where there are rectangles of different sizes laid out.
Part of the drawdle
Thinking this as a section, it has all the spaces I have in the previous schemes. There is an outdoor space and an overhang space. So with my professor's suggestions, I edited the floor plans.
Floor Plans & Section


First part of the design project is to look at the drawdle and come up with two possible ideas for a building. Since my drawdle focus on the two transitional space, I approach the plans to have two entrances to the building. The challenge of this part is to figure out how the programs are organized.
Scheme 1
Scheme 2

Friday, March 18, 2016

The Drawdle

After getting feedbacks from classmates and professor, I modified my initial ideas for drawdle. Instead of creating a very diagrammatical drawdle like the circulation drawdle, I decided to build the masses around the transitional space to define it. The drawdle is reversible. When looked at from the back, the masses around the transitional space are cut out and show the depth. The transitional space stands out more. The back can be viewed as a worm's-eye-view.
The section-axonometric drawing helps to understand the space more. The transitional space is cut and drawn a worm's-eye-view axonometric to show what it will be like if you are walking through the tunnel.

Drawdle First Draft

Now that we have experimented making films, we moved to focus on UNAM, the site in Mexico where our project will take place. First we picked a transitional space on campus and analysis what makes that space a transitional space. I chose the space which connects the campus to the stadium. There are two tunnels under the highway. These two tunnels are the transition from education to recreation. After the analysis I came up with these two drawdles.
The Transitional Space
Circulation Drawdle
Section Drawdle

Films Edited

These two videos are the same as the two I have uploaded in my previous posts. They are shortened to about four minutes and still have the same general themes of the extended version.

Short Film Analysis 2

The second analysis is for my short film "The Walk". I did a timeline that will help understand the film more. Different colored line shows different path and the dotted line shows what I am thinking in my head. Using these same colors, I draw the path on the map to show the circulation around campus.

Short Film Analysis 1

This is an analysis of my short film "Champions". This analysis is similar to the one I did for "89 Seconds at Alcázar".

The first part of the analysis shows how much intense training the boxers have to go through. The second part is layout according to where each event takes place around the ring. The images are also in chronological order, left to right and top to bottom.