Tuesday, February 9, 2016

My Second Short Film

This is my second attempt to create an avant-garde film about my path from architecture studio to my room. I did not use the time lapse option from my phone. I only used iMovie to create this whole video. Thanks to my good friend, Nyan Myo Hlaing (Charles) for helping me take the pictures.
Even though the quality of the video may not be good, I enjoyed every second of making this video.

Monday, February 8, 2016

My First Short Film

I thought I would give it a shot and make a video myself. It is not as easy as you think it is going to be. Finding an appropriate music to go along with your theme was the hardest part for me. If I knew how to create music mashups, I would have done it and it would have been way much better.
So this video I made is a combination of footage from YouTube. Credits to all who uploaded on YouTube for public access. The video is called Champions: Blood, Sweat and Pain. It is about a few of the heavyweight boxers who have come on top and defeated a lot. I hope you enjoy my first attempt.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Analysis Part 2

Putting the images from the previous post together, I drew out a plan of the salon the painting took place in. By doing this, it help me understand the space better.

Even though every image is connected to the floor plan, it would have been better if there was a line showing the movement of the camera around the room. Secondly, since the video is about the moments leading up to and immediately following the scene portrayed in the painting, a few images of what happened after should be included. Overall, the layout I have done will give the viewer a better understanding of space.

Analysis Part 1

Now that we have all seen the video, you will recognize this painting.

 Jacobs, Michael. Las Meninas. Digital image. Velázquez’s Las Meninas: Much More than Meets the Eye. The Guardian, 26 July 2015. Web. 7 Feb. 2016. 

I have picked out a series of images from the video to help me understand the room.

89 Seconds at Alcázar

Eve Sussman’s acclaimed video installation, 89 Seconds at Alcázar, is a lavish and evocative re-creation of the moments leading up to and immediately following the scene portrayed in the masterpiece Las Meninas (The Maids of Honor) painted by Diego Velásquez in 1656. Rufus Corporation said that they worked with architect Robert Whalley and Master Scenic Rebecca Graves to built the set of a salon in the Alcázar as closely as possible in just four weeks. 360 steadicam is also featured in this film and this gives the cinematographer the advantage to rotate around the set from just one place.
Here is a small portion of the video thanks to Vimeo.

89 sec single clip from Simon Lee & Eve Sussman on Vimeo.